The Shape of Your Dreams

The Shape of Your Dreams

The moment when a seed transmutes into a seedling is called “the establishment.” What do you require in order to establish yourself within your vision of the future? What is the shape of your dreams? The Hierophant represents those things that we can...
Turning From Loss to Joy

Turning From Loss to Joy

After the storm passes, the sun rises in the morning and we step outside. We see the destruction left behind and a sorrow washes over us. We remember what was, and must face those things that can no longer be. Often these memories are attached to great pain in our...
Choose Your Burdens

Choose Your Burdens

Sometimes the things that burden us the most are the responsibilities and obligations we have taken on because we were conditioned to believe that we had to. But are they really yours? Society dictates many things, and traditions put many of us on autopilot. Take a...