
Tarot Flower

Unleash Your Inner Goddess

3 Steps to Unleash Your Inner Goddess

Step 1:

Learn the Craft

Learn Tarot Cards, Goddess Rituals, Psychic Practices & More!

tarot flower divine feminine tarot for goddesses

Discover everything you need to get started with Tarot and other divine feminine practices! My Goddess Blog will teach you how to empower yourself to tap into your divine feminine intuition. 

Step 2: 

Transform & Empower

With Divine Feminine Goddess Yoga, Affirmations & Meditations

Vanessa Hylande Goddess Yoga photo credit Emzero

This is where true manifestation begins, sisters! Now that you’ve learned the craft, it’s time to put everything into practice! Check out this collection of divine feminine practices to help you embody the lessons of the Tarot: 

Step 3:

Join Our Community!

Goddess Retreats and Online Goddess Circles

Goddess Yoga Retreats 2024 Lago Maggiore, Italy

Join our Goddess Community! Share the magic of divine feminine practices with us on our private online community platform and at Goddess Yoga Retreats and events! We will embody the divine feminine through:

  • yoga & dance
  • live tarot card readings
  • goddess circles
  • meditation & sound baths
  • body work
  • rituals in nature.

The Personalized Goddess Embodiment Program

Become Your Best Self

Vanessa Hylande Goddess Yoga photo credit Emzero

Want some personalized guidance? In this one-on-one, live program we will:

1. Connect to your spirit guides through intuitive tarot card readings, Goddess channeling, moon magic rituals, and more.

2. Liberate your mind from negativity with sound bath meditations, shadow work, journaling, and one-on-one support.

3. Strengthen your physical body through yoga, dance, and body conditioning.

4. Get introduced to a vibrant community of incredible human beings on their own Goddess path.

The Goddess Blog

Everything You Need to Know About Tarot, Goddess Embodiment and More!