The Seven of Swords tarot card is often seen as a difficult card to interpret, as it often has a negative connotation. It symbolizes a person who feels overwhelmed and unable to cope with life’s challenges. Additionally, the Seven of Swords can represent a person who is trying to take on too much and is struggling to keep up. However, this minor arcana card can also represent someone who is trying to cover up or hide their true intentions and is being deceptive in some way.
The imagery of the Seven of Swords typically depicts a person stealing away with five swords in his hands and two swords left in the ground. The implication is that the person is taking something that isn’t theirs and is trying to hide it. This could represent a situation in which someone is trying to gain something without being honest or forthright about it or where someone is taking something that isn’t rightfully theirs or is using deceptive tactics to gain an advantage.
The card also symbolizes a person who is trying to outsmart someone else. This could be a situation in which a person is manipulating or deceiving someone in order to gain an advantage. This minor arcana card is a warning to be careful and mindful of who you trust and what you say, as it can be easy to be deceived.
The Seven of Swords can also represent a person who is trying to take on too much and is feeling overwhelmed. It indicates a situation in which a person is trying to juggle too many responsibilities or is trying to do too much at once. Perhaps you or someone you know is trying to do more than is realistically possible and is feeling overwhelmed and stressed out.
Overall, the Seven of Swords tarot card symbolizes a person who is feeling overwhelmed, stressed and unable to cope with life’s challenges. It can also represent someone who is trying to gain something without being honest or forthright about it or is using deceptive tactics to gain an advantage. The card is a warning to be mindful of who you trust and to take on only what you can realistically handle.