The heart chakra is also known as the Anahata chakra in Sanskrit, which means “unstruck” or “unbeaten.” This chakra is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart, and is associated with love, compassion, and connection. When this chakra is open and balanced, we feel a sense of love and connection with ourselves, others, and the world around us.
However, when the heart chakra is imbalanced, it can manifest in a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. For example, an underactive heart chakra can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and lack of empathy towards others. It may also result in physical symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, and difficulty breathing. On the other hand, an overactive Anahata chakra can lead to feelings of being overwhelmed, overly emotional, and excessively attached to others. This may also result in physical symptoms such as high blood pressure and heart disease.
If you’re feeling that your heart chakra is imbalanced, there are several ways to work on bringing it back into balance. Practicing yoga or other forms of exercise that focus on opening the chest can be helpful, as well as engaging in activities that promote self-love and compassion. Meditation and visualization exercises can also help to balance the Anahata chakra by focusing on love and connection. Remember, taking care of your heart chakra can lead to a more fulfilling and loving life!
Get in Touch with Your Inner Energy: Exploring the Power of Chakras on Your Emotional and Physical Well-being

Chakras are energy centers located in the body that correspond to specific emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of our being. There are seven main chakras, starting at the base of the spine and extending up to the crown of the head. Each chakra is associated with different feelings, emotions, and physical sensations, and when they are balanced and functioning properly, we feel grounded, centered, and in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. However, when our chakras become blocked or imbalanced, it can manifest as physical or emotional discomfort or even illness. By learning to understand and work with our chakras, we can cultivate greater awareness of our emotional and physical state, and work to restore balance and harmony in our lives.
Open Your Heart to Love and Harmony: Discovering the Magic of the Heart Chakra
You know what’s so special about the heart chakra? It’s all about love, love, love! When our heart chakra is balanced, we radiate love and positive energy that can be felt by those around us. We feel more connected to the world, and our relationships become deeper and more fulfilling. But that’s not all – the heart chakra is also where we find compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. It helps us let go of negativity and embrace the good things in life. So, if you’re feeling like you need more love and connection in your life, or maybe you’re struggling to forgive someone (or even yourself), it’s time to focus on your heart chakra. Trust me, you’ll feel the magic in no time!
How to Practice Yoga for the Anahata Chakra

Yoga is a fantastic way to activate, balance, and open up your heart chakra! There are many yoga poses, or asanas, that can help to open the chest and release tension in the heart area. Some of the best poses for the heart chakra include backbends such as Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, and Cobra Pose. These poses can help to stretch and open the chest, promoting feelings of love and compassion. We will go into detail about how to best practice these asanas further along in this article.
However, it’s important to note that in addition to physical poses, yoga also incorporates breathing techniques, or pranayama, that can help to balance the heart chakra. These pranayama are well incorporated into the Kundalini style of yoga.
One such technique is called Ujjayi breath, or “victorious breath.” This type of breathing involves inhaling and exhaling through the nose, while slightly constricting the back of the throat. Ujjayi breath can help to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system, promoting feelings of love and compassion. So, whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting out, incorporating yoga into your daily routine can help to open up and balance your heart chakra, leading to a more loving and connected life!
If you’d like to learn more about the practice of pranayama techniques, download your free guide “An Introduction to Pranayama” from Master Teacher Clemens Biedrawa, of Matsya Yoga, Wien.
Beginners Yoga Poses to Open Your Anahata Chakra
- Eagle Arms
- Cat/Cow
- Puppy pose
- Cobra
- Fish pose
1. Eagle Arms
Here is a step-by-step guide to doing the Yoga Eagle Arms Pose:
- Begin by sitting in a comfortable position with your spine straight.
- Lift your arms to shoulder height, parallel to the ground, with your palms facing down.
- Cross your right arm over your left arm at the elbow, bringing your palms together.
- Lift your elbows to shoulder height and press your forearms and hands together.
- Press your shoulders and arms down and away from your ears and feel your back opening.
- Keep your chest open and your shoulders relaxed.
- Hold the pose for 5-10 breaths, then release and repeat on the other side by crossing your left arm over your right arm.
Remember to listen to your body and only go as far as feels comfortable for you. Enjoy the stretch and the benefits it brings to your upper body and mind.
2. Cat/Cow
Here is how to practice the cat/cow poses (Marjaryasana/Bitilasana):
- Start on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Inhale and initiate by lifting your tailbone toward the ceiling. As your belly lowers and your spine bends your head also reaches toward the ceiling creating a beautiful crescent shape with your back like a wave. This is the “cow” portion of the pose.
- Exhale, leading with your tailbone as you invert the pose. Your navel presses up through your core towards the ceiling, as you tuck your chin to your chest, and drawing your tailbone towards your knees for the “cat” portion of the pose.
- Repeat this flow of movements, inhaling to cow and exhaling to cat, for a few rounds while syncing your breath with your movements.
- You can also add variations such as circling your hips, extending one arm or leg at a time, or pausing in either pose for a deeper stretch.
Remember to maintain good alignment throughout the pose, keeping your core engaged, your shoulders away from your ears, and your gaze forward. Enjoy the gentle movement and the benefits of this soothing pose!
3. Puppy Pose
Here is how to practice the Puppy Pose or Uttana Shishosana:
- Start on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips.
- Walk your hands forward, keeping your arms straight, until your forehead touches the ground and your chest is lowered towards the mat.
- Extend your arms forward with palms down and elbows lifted off the ground to stretch your shoulders and upper back.
- Stay in the position for a few breaths.
- Slowly walk your hands back towards your knees to come out of the pose.
- Repeat the sequence a few times while syncing your breath with your movements.
Remember to keep your core engaged, your hips over your knees, and your gaze down towards the ground for good alignment. If you have any wrist or shoulder injuries, avoid this pose. Enjoy the gentle stretch and the benefits of this soothing pose!
4. Cobra Pose
The Cobra Pose, or Bhujangasana in Sanskrit. Here are the steps to perform the pose:
- Start by lying flat on your stomach. Place your hands, palms down on the floor by your sides, so that your fingertips are aligned with the tops of your shoulders. Keep your feet together.
- Place your elbows close to your sides, and keep them bent at a 90-degree angle as you slowly press up.
- Inhale deeply and slowly lift your head, chest, and torso off the mat while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Use your back muscles to lift yourself up, not your arms.
- Straighten your arms and lift your chest further. Make sure your shoulders are relaxed and not hunched up towards your ears.
- Keep your gaze forward and hold the pose for a few breaths. You can also gently tilt your head back to deepen the stretch.
- To release the pose, exhale and slowly lower your torso back down to the mat.
- Repeat the pose for 3-5 times, taking deep breaths in each repetition.
- Make sure to engage your core muscles to protect your lower back.
- Don’t overdo the stretch or strain your neck by looking too far back.
- Modify the pose by coming up only halfway if you have back pain or discomfort.
5. Fish Pose
Here are the steps to practicing the Fish Pose, also called Matsyasana:
- Begin by laying on your back
- Slide your hands under your hips, palms down.
- Keep your arms and elbows attached to your sides
- Inhale and lift your chest towards the ceiling, pressing down through your elbows and forearms. Tilt your head back and rest the crown of your head on the ground behind you.
- Hold the position for a few breaths.
- Exhale, release your head back to the ground, and slowly lower your chest and arms back down to the mat.
- Repeat the sequence a few times, syncing your breath with your movements.
Remember to maintain good alignment throughout the pose, keeping your core engaged, your shoulders away from your ears, and your gaze towards the ceiling or behind you. Also, be sure to avoid this pose if you have any neck or back injuries. Enjoy the gentle stretch and the benefits of this soothing pose!
Beginners Embodiment Dance Movements to Open Your Heart Chakra
This dance will reconnect you with your heart space. Allow yourself to luxuriate in the natural rhythm and flow of the ocean and bring your inner child out to play! Embrace your powerful feminine energy in this dance of love and softness. Just follow along and then do it your own way!
You may use this music, “Surrender,” filled with beautiful, flowing ocean sounds, to accompany your dance.
Connect to Aphrodite, Goddess of Love to Open Your Heart
The Goddess Aphrodite can be a wonderful inspiration for you when you are working on opening your heart chakra! By Embodying Aphrodite, Goddess of Love, you can connect to her divine feminine archetype and let her inspire you.
Aphrodite is a powerful goddess of love, beauty, and sensuality in Greek mythology. She is known for her captivating allure and her ability to inspire desire and passion in those around her. By embodying this divine feminine archetype, you can tap into her energy and use it to open up your heart chakra and discover self-love.
Aphrodite embodies the essence of self-love and self-acceptance. She encourages us to embrace our unique beauty and to honor our desires and passions. By embracing our inner Aphrodite, we can learn to love and accept ourselves fully, flaws and all.
To tap into Aphrodite’s energy, you can practice self-care rituals that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Spend time in nature, engage in sensual pleasures like aromatherapy or taking a bath, and surround yourself with beauty in your environment.
By embracing the goddess Aphrodite, you can open your heart chakra and connect with your truest self. You can learn to love yourself fully and unconditionally, which will lead to more fulfilling relationships with others as well. Remember that you are worthy of love and respect, and embodying the goddess Aphrodite can help you fully embrace this truth. Learn how to Embody the Goddess Within today!
Try This Heart Chakra Meditation to Balance Your Anahata Chakra
Meditation is a wonderful tool to help activate, balance, and open up the heart chakra! A heart chakra meditation can involve focusing on the heart center and visualizing a bright green light expanding and radiating love and compassion throughout the body. This meditation can help to release any emotional blockages or tension that may be inhibiting the flow of energy through the heart chakra.
In addition to visualization, heart chakra meditation may also incorporate the use of affirmations, such as “I am loved” or “I am open to giving and receiving love.” These affirmations can help to shift any negative thought patterns or beliefs about love and connection, promoting a more positive and open-hearted mindset. So, whether you’re new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, incorporating heart chakra meditation into your daily routine can help to activate, balance, and open up your heart chakra, leading to a more loving and connected life!
Mini Self-Guided Anahata Chakra Meditation for the Divine Feminine Goddess

Find a comfortable seated position and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to sink into the present moment. As you begin to focus on your heart center, visualize yourself diving into a calm, turquoise ocean, feeling weightless and free. The water surrounds you, embracing you in its warmth and tranquility.
As you float in the water, imagine a beautiful mermaid swimming towards you. She radiates love and compassion, and as she approaches you, she places her hand over your heart. You feel a warm, comforting energy radiating from her touch, and you realize that she is helping to open and balance your heart chakra.
As you continue to breathe deeply, visualize the ocean waves washing over you, gently carrying away any negative energy or emotional blockages that may be inhibiting the flow of energy through your heart chakra. As you release these emotions, you feel a sense of lightness and freedom.
Now, imagine a field of beautiful flowers blooming all around you. Each flower represents an aspect of your being, and as you take in their beauty, you realize that you are a unique and precious expression of the divine feminine. You are filled with a sense of self-love and acceptance, knowing that you are perfect just as you are.
As you come to the end of this meditation, take a few deep breaths and slowly bring your awareness back to the present moment. Know that you can return to this meditation anytime you need to balance and open your heart chakra, feeling the love and compassion of the divine feminine surrounding you always.
Your Free Heart Chakra Meditation Music
Feel free to use this music to help you visualize your connection with the ocean, the water element, the Goddess and your beautiful heart chakra. Allow your intuition and imagination to take you wherever it wishes. There is no right or wrong.
Expand and Unleash Your Heart Chakra at a Beautiful Italian Yoga Retreat this Summer!
At Goddess Yoga Retreats, we practice daily yoga, embodiment dance, meditation and spiritual practices to help you bring all of your chakras into alignment. You’ll be enjoying a beautiful European vacation while also practicing wellness, self-care, self-love, and most importantly, having fun! Check out our three available sessions for this summer: Two Sessions of “Journey to the Goddess” and one week of “Embodying the Divine Feminine.” Sign up now and enjoy an early bird discount on all Goddess Yoga Retreats 2023 until the end of April!
- Divine Feminine Affirmations for Kundalini Awakening and Goddess Embodiment
- Goddess Yoga 2024: Step Into the Spotlight with Classes, Retreats and the Mystic Mansion!
- I Am The Fool
- On Love, Trust, Sacrifice, and Devotion
- Daring to Hope in Times of Darkness
heart chakra
yoga for the heart chakra
heart chakra opening
heart chakra poses
anahata chakra
heart chakra meditation
heart chakra healing