On the heels of the Three of Pentacles come The Lovers. Yesterday, the cards asked us to look at the flow of give and take in our relationships. Self-reflection often illuminates where choices must be made. The Lovers card represents that choice. It is a card of divine union, a pure and evolved relationship that can be achieved through honest communication and shared values when we are committed to choosing love.
We re-examined our values and traditions when The Hierophant presented. Then we paused to reflect on the dynamics in our current relationships. What are the energies we choose to surround ourselves with? Today, we are guided to embrace those relationships in our lives that are in true alignment with our soul’s path and to perhaps walk away from the ones that are not.
As Venus sextiles Chiron today, the Goddess of love is dancing in the sky with the wounded healer. This is a time where love really can heal wounds.
Daily Affirmation
I choose love.”