
The Goddess Blog

Body, Mind & Spirit for the Divine Feminine

“Wann starb wohl je ein Drache am Gift einer Schlange?« – sagte er. »Aber nimm dein Gift zurück! Du bist nicht reich genug, es mir zu schenken.” (Nietzsche, Also sprach Zarathustra)

It behooves us Dragons to remember that we shall not fall from the poison of a snake. As this full moon welcomes the return of Spring, there are burdens that shall be left behind. This includes those things that may once have frightened us.

Alas, mighty Dragon, you have earned your wings. Are you ready to fly? Are you ready to breathe your fire-truth to mankind? Are you ready to kindly remind the snake that he is too poor to lend you his poison – he may keep it for himself? Anger, fear, and resentment are burdens, my friends.

That which no longer serves us has now thoroughly decayed, and the new growth is beginning. It is now amply clear who and what shall remain behind and who and what shall remain by our side. Deep down I think we have always known. But it is this internal wisdom of the Dragon, our intuition, from which we have grown.

Our shadows never leave us, but if we look them in the eye, we can bring them back into the fold. Reintegrate these shattered soul fragments into the loving arms of the whole. Isn’t that what all of us are really after?

May this Libra Super Moon, my personal Wyrm Moon, be like The World for us. A culmination of everything. A celebration of our trials, tribulations and successes. Own it. Love it. And move forth boldly.

By Vanessa Hylande

(I’ll release the song in a short bit!)

When the Dragon’s tears fall, they turn to stone
This is how her armor was grown
By the millions of tears, she has shed
she is covered in a shield, torso, tail, and legs

Impermeable to the waters
Impermeable to fire
She is a DragonBorne!

Great, beautiful wings unfold
As she flies across the sun
May they all hear her battle cry
Breathing fire-truth to mankind

Still carrying herself upon the winds
Never resting her head, not yet skinned
These tears of battle have made her a warrior
In her grace and beauty, the path stands before her

Impermeable to the waters
Impermeable to fire
I am a DragonBorne!

When the Dragon’s tears fall, they turn to stone
This is how your armor was grown
By the millions of tears, you have shed
You are covered in a shield, torso, tail, and legs

Impermeable to the waters
Impermeable to fire
We are all DragonBorne!

So that we may walk freely, sister
So mote it be