Unleashing Our Soul’s Purpose, Healing the Divine Feminine
This new moon in Aquarius marks the beginning of our collective and personal new chapters. We have purged the old that stood in our way, and excavated the light that represents the true bliss deep in our souls. Now, as we plant the seeds of our intentions, be very clear of what you are leaving behind and what you are nurturing into being.
Aquarius is a humanitarian and revolutionary thinker who wishes to break down authority and convention. The new moon in the sign of Aquarius is offering us an opportunity to bring into being a whole new way of doing things. May we change the world through our vision and healing. Allow these beautiful energies to support your spellcasting on this new moon.
Preparation: North and South Nodes
First, you must determine which area of your life resonates the most with your dreams or calls to you most deeply. Forego the “shoulds” and the “woulds” and focus on that which brings you true joy. Those things that put you in your bliss. If you aren’t sure, you may want to check your natal chart for guidance.
The North Node represents your soul’s purpose and the challenges you must overcome in order to achieve your highest potential. Depending on which sign and house the North Node falls in, you will see in which direction you will achieve the greatest flow in life. The South Node represents the place of comfort where you may be languishing and resisting what the universe is calling upon you to do. The South Node also has a corresponding zodiac sign and house. It is useful to make note of how these aspects present in your daily life. Then consider ways for achieving greater balance between the elements of the two nodes.
The North Node represents that which is ahead of you. The South Node represents that which is in the past. We must achieve a balance between the two in order to pursue our soul’s path wholeheartedly.
Some Questions to Ask Yourself
- Which activities make me feel like I reconnect with myself at the soul level?
- What obstacles prevent me from immersing myself in this fully?
- Which self-limiting beliefs or fears accompany these obstacles?
- If I were to release all of those fears and self-limiting beliefs, what could my next steps look like?
Outlining Your Intention
Once you are clear about your direction, take a moment to meditate on your ideal final outcome. Don’t be afraid to dream big! This Aquarius energy is powerful, disruptive, and long term, so be sure to take your manifestation all the way to the stars! Get out of your mind and follow your heart.
Spellcasting for this New Moon in Aquarius: Unleashing Your Soul’s Purpose
I will be posting a list of materials and supplies, along with a basic outline of this spellcasting. I also hope to have a video ready to accompany you in your ceremony, if you wish to use it. This way, we can combine our magick into shared work! Blessed be!
A thanks to the wonderful work of Molly McCord, who is teaching me practically everything I know about astrology.