Do you feel stuck sometimes? Like life is a ride that you’re on and you just have to wait for the next stop to get off? It is in these moments that its most important to remember that you are the creator of your own life.
When the outside world keeps throwing curveballs at us, we can feel like we are constantly reacting.
Then, as soon as we figure things out and get back on track, something surprises us and derails us from what we want to be focusing on once again.
These are all symptoms of letting life happen to you. But the truth is that we need to happen to life. And that begins by realizing that we are the ones behind the steering wheel every step of the way.
We cannot control the environment around us, but we have control of how we respond to it. And we are always in control of what we give our energy to in every situation. Once we learn how to surrender to the universe and we have confidence in our own ability to respond in the highest vibrational way, stressful situations no longer affect us negatively.
Are You Making Choices Out of Habit?
Sometimes we lose our sense of self-agency because we have a habit of responding in a certain way. Many of us have accepted obligations and responsibilities that were given to us by society without really thinking about whether they serve us or not.
We do this simply because we’ve been raised to believe that is just how it has to be and because we are afraid of judgment and shaming. Other times we respond unconsciously simply our of habit.
Mindfulness Is a Step Toward Embodiment

Becoming aware of these triggers and reactions – this kind of mindfulness practice – is the first step toward embodiment. However, embodiment encompasses so much more.
When we are embodied, truly embodied through all of our chakras, we are living in service of our dreams.
When we are embodied we find the lightness and freedom in life because we are truly living in the flow.
This is when joy, abundance and love can flourish in our every day lives. Want to learn more? Join our Goddess Yoga Retreats around the world today and learn how to embody beautiful goddess that already lives within you. Your divine feminine is waiting to fly!
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