Let’s face it, we all feel down sometimes, and there is nothing wrong with that. The important thing is that you know how to pick yourself back up again. So, how do you do that? By remembering and really knowing that you are your own beacon of light.
Feeling low typically comes from a place of feeling powerless. But are we really powerless? Are there other options that we haven’t thought to consider?
We often get stuck in a binary way of thinking where we unconsciously believe that there are only two options. “I can do it this way or that way.” “Either I do this, or that will happen.” “I need to be like this (successful) or I will be like that (failure).”
But , who is it that has determined the standard we are holding ourselves to? Did we have a say? Were we ever asked if we value the same things or want to aspire to that standard?
Comparing Yourself to Others Won’t Bring Happiness

Take social media, for example. Society has set a standard that many of us robotically accept as a desirable goal to achieve.
Many of us have never questioned whether these values actually mirror our own. We simply accept what society is telling us is best, and then often feel like we are “less than” or that we don’t fit in.
When we compare ourselves to others instead of supporting our own unique passions and dreams from within, we wind up with an inner conflict and feeling of lack. Its a big reason why so many people these days feel like there are unreasonable expectations to live up to.
We Create Our Own Happiness

When we follow our passions from the inside out without seeking approval from others, we begin to realize that we create our own perception. If we know things will go badly, then they will. If we know (not hope) that things will work out in a perfect way, then they will.
We may not know how or why the universe brings us what it does, but if we trust, we always find the magic and beautiful mystery in whatever happened later.
So, shine like the beautiful Goddess that you are! Shine in your own unique way, in a way that feels true to you, without the need for validation from others.
Want to learn more about becoming your own beacon of light? When you shine from the inside out you will always find your way out of darkness. The Embodied Goddesses online embodiment and ascension program will not only help you to find your own light, but also teach you how to become your own beacon of light on the path that is your soul’s purpose.
Jess & Ness
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