Uplift Yourself by Celebrating Friendship
by Vanessa Hylande | Feb 20, 2021 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Take some time to uplift yourself by celebrating your friendships today! The Three of Cups is a card of celebration, sisterhood, and collaborative creative projects. The cups represent the element of water – our emotions. A partnership of two creates the third...
Step Forward With a Pure Heart
by Vanessa Hylande | Jul 28, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Let’s clean out the dusty chambers of our hearts today. Whatever old pains or wounds still lurk in the shadows, today is a perfect day to let them all go so that you can purify the love in your heart. Then step forward with a pure heart. We are at the...
The Growing Pains of Blossoming Dreams
by Vanessa Hylande | Jul 27, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Stay true to the seeds of dreams you planted at the new moon, even if obstacles or resistance begin to appear on your path today. The first quarter moon always brings a crisis point where we need to support our manifestations with consistent action, so keep that in...
We Are Infinite Possibility
by Vanessa Hylande | Jul 20, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
From stillness it is born. This dark moon in Cancer beckons you to honor your deepest and most intimate feelings. Stand with your soul’s authenticity, whether irrational or not. It doesn’t matter. Like the crab, The Four of Swords retreats into sanctuary...