Be in Service of Your Dreams
by Vanessa Hylande | Jul 2, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Invest your energy into your dreams through conscious action today. The Eight of Pentacles reminds us that dedication to our craft will lead to success. Keep your standards high. While we pare away what is not in service of our stable foundations, we must also...
The Bones of Your World
by Vanessa Hylande | Jul 1, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Saturn is returning to his temple of Capricorn tonight. Are you ready to slow down and re-evaluate? As he retrogrades through his own zodiac sign, he is at his most powerful. Saturn is the planet of restrictions and structure, and he asks you to take a look at the...
The Moon Reveals Hidden Truths
by Vanessa Hylande | Jun 15, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Look past what you see on the surface today, for The Moon reveals hidden truths. The path is long and may be dark – perhaps there are uncertainties along the way and you are not sure if you are headed in the right direction. Listen to your intuition, because the...
The Freedom of The Fool
by Vanessa Hylande | Jun 14, 2020 | Daily Tarot, Tarot Card Readings
Take a walk on the wild side and follow your heart today! The Fool is ready to live his life to the fullest without worrying about everything that could go wrong. With the upcoming solar eclipse on June 21st, its a perfect time for you to embrace this attitude!...